MFNZ raises Industry profile with Minister Andrew Bayly
In November this year we met with Minister Andrew Bayly to bring NZ's fashion, clothing and textile industry to his attention, sharing challenges and opportunities identified in Threads of Tomorrow.

Going Circular
M2 Woman reports on how the Mindful Fashion Circular Design Awards challenge designers and brands to rethink the way we design, make and use and recycle our clothes.

4 Local Brands Changing Fashion for Good
Urban List editor Alice Rich reports that shopping need not trigger a doom spiral, and luckily there's a bunch of local brands and individuals putting in some serious mahi behind the scenes to change fashion, for good.

Our Impact 2024
We highlight three key projects we have brought to life in 2024, part of our work to build an innovative, full-circle and thriving future for the fashion and textiles industry in Aotearoa.

Mindful Fashion Circular Design Award
The Circular Design Award is an annual design and innovation competition that challenges individuals and businesses to reimagine fashion as circular and design out waste. Here's why that’s important…

Celebrating Excellence in Circular Design
The Mindful Fashion Circular Design Awards 2024 was a night to remember, an incredible celebration of circular design and business innovation in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Detail: Fashion Industry Facing Multiple Crises
The fashion industry says it cannot fix the massive problems it is facing alone, but getting the ear of the government is proving tricky.
Half a tonne of unwanted clothes dumped in the middle of a fashion event in Auckland this week is the brutal symbol of the crisis hanging over the industry.

Supreme Winners announced at Mindful Fashion Circular Design Awards 2024
The winners of the Mindful Fashion Circular Design Awards have been announced at a Gala event showcasing Aotearoa New Zealand’s finest fashion innovations made from reimagined waste.

Meeting with New Zealand Labour Party MP's
Mindful Fashion sat down with Labour Party MPs at Juliette Hogan’s workroom to share the findings from our recent Threads of Tomorrow report and bring them up to speed on the importance of New Zealand's fashion, clothing and textile sector.

Capturing the essence of our partnership with Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation
Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation has been an instrumental part of our journey at Mindful Fashion. They've captured the essence of what drives us at Mindful Fashion and our shared vision for a thriving future for fashion in Aotearoa.

Responsible Sourcing and Forest Stewardship with Forest Stewardship Council
The imperative to prioritise sustainable sourcing of forest-based products to ensure fashion coexists harmoniously with forests is clear. Mindful Fashion presents at the FSC Auckland Roundtable.

Mindful Fashion AGM 2024
Mindful Fashion members, partners and community gathered in Tamaki Makaurau recently for our 5th AGM where we shared our impact and highlights from the last 12 months and our plans for the future.

What the fashion and textiles industry is worth to the New Zealand economy
Aimee Shaw from The Press speaks to industry leaders about the challenges and opportunities uncovered in Threads of Tomorrow.

Mindful Fashion report into state of NZ's fashion industry
Mike Hosking talks to Mindful Fashion CE Jacinta Fitzgerald about the industry's challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.

Threads of Tomorrow
Mindful Fashion launches landmark Industry value report that highlights the industry's significant value and its great potential to contribute to the future prosperity of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Local industry calls for action to curb fashion's textile waste
MFNZ CE Jacinta FitzGerald, speaking with Radio New Zealand, says the local industry wants more action on fashion's textile waste in New Zealand.

Mindful Fashion supports call for Modern Slavery Act
Mindful Fashion has signed an open letter to urge the NZ Government to continue the push to introduce Modern Slavery Legislation into NZ law.

Waste Not, Want Not
Circular Design Award inaugural Editorial Award winner William Fitzgerald is interviewed by Madeleine Crutchley, and shares the inspiration and concept behind his Award winning entry.

Journey to Excellence - M2 Woman
Our CE Jacinta FitzGerald was invited to speak at M2 Woman's Journey to Excellence forum in October 2023, on New Ways of Creating Sustainable Industries.

Awards Gala a night to remember!
The Mindful Fashion Circular Design Awards 2023 was a night to remember, an incredible celebration of fashion and sustainability to see out the year!

Circular Design Award Winners announced!
Celebrating Excellence in Circular Design, we unveil the winners of the inaugural awards and spotlight the best of emerging sustainable fashion design at the Gala celebration in Auckland!

Industry Value & Sustainable Pathways Report
We’re excited to announce the Economic and Sustainability Impact report EY NZ is producing on behalf of New Zealand's clothing and textile industry, and how you can get involved.

Our Impact 2023
Find out about the impact we've created over 2023 as we work to build an innovative, full-circle and thriving future for the fashion and textiles industry in Aotearoa. We've put together a highlight reel and a timeline to share our progress over the last four years.

This is the Way! Climate Action in NZ's Fashion Industry
Fast fashion is routinely lambasted for its climate and environmental performance – and justifiably so. But the sector in this country is not sitting on its hands. Kia Ora October 2023 spotlights our climate action work in NZ's fashion and textile industry.

Expert tips: How to shop for clothes that last
Mindful Fashion stresses the importance of supporting locals in this article from One News highlighting tips on how to shop for clothes that last, with insights from industry experts on where to shop, what to look out for when choosing what to buy, and how to use and care for clothes.

How sustainable is Fashion Week, really?
The role of Fashion Week is evolving due to technology and the rise of fast fashion, and as our CE says, it has a responsibility to promote responsible engagement with fashion. Mindful Fashion adds its voice to this article exploring the changing nature of NZFW.

Mindful Fashion launches inaugural Circular Design Award!
The Mindful Fashion Circular Design Award is a sustainable design competition that challenges creatives to reimagine the fashion system in Aotearoa, using the dual lens of our unique place in the world and the circular economy, to find innovative ways to keep textiles in use.

MFNZ succeeds in advocacy for Machinist Skills training
After 2.5 years of engagement and advocacy, we are pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved recognition of the critical need for skills training for Sewing Machinists in the NZ apparel and textile sector by Hanga-Aro-Rau the Manufacturing Workforce Development Council.

Clothing waste: Does NZ need a tax on fast fashion?
With the recent launch of the Australian Textile Product Stewardship Scheme, Lisa Owen from RNZ's Checkpoint asked our CE Jacinta FitzGerald if NZ needs a tax on clothing entering the NZ market.

TMNZ’s Position as a For-Purpose Business
Tax Management NZ is a for-purpose business, dedicated to making a positive impact on society and the environment. Through its philanthropic arm, Whakatupu Aotearoa TMNZ funds impact initiatives including Mindful Fashion NZ.

Mindful Fashion unveils Fashion Industry Climate Action Toolkit
Mindful Fashion has today unveiled its Climate Action toolkit for clothing & textile businesses. The toolkit has been developed after a successful pilot in 2022 took 10 businesses through a programme to measure their emissions and develop reduction strategies.

Fashion is making some progress on sustainability, this is what needs to come next
10 years on from the Rana plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, our CE Jacinta FitzGerald looks at what progress the industry has made, and where we need to see more ambitious action to address fashions impacts.

Mindful Fashion AGM 2023
We welcomed the Mindful Fashion community from across Aotearoa to our 2023 AGM hosted by the Mindful Fashion Board and Chief Executive Jacinta FitzGerald, where we announced our new Chair Juliette Hogan.

Challenges and opportunities with Textile Waste
Mindful Fashion adds its voice to further illuminate the growing textile waste issues and opportunities in Aotearoa, explored in this segment by TVNZ 1 News.

Viva x Mindful Fashion video series Behind The Seams
Introducing the VIVA x MINDFUL FASHION video series Behind The Seams: What It's really like to work in fashion. We look at the often overlooked roles in the fashion industry and uncover what it’s like to work for some of the country’s leading fashion brands.

Tax Management New Zealand’s Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation invests back into NZ.
TMNZ invests 100% of its profits back into Aotearoa. Its philanthropic partner Whakatupu Aotearoa shares the impact of working with Mindful Fashion New Zealand.