How sustainable is Fashion Week, really?
The role of Fashion Week is evolving due to technology, the rise of fast fashion and the need for more sustainable approaches to production and consumption of clothing. Mindful Fashion's Chief Executive Jacinta FitzGerald discusses the responsibility NZFW has to promote responsible engagement with fashion in this article exploring the changing nature of the event and expectations from consumers and industry.
This year NZFW 2023:Kahuria hosted a wide range of interactive events, runway shows, panel discussions and workshops, including a Makers Market and clothing repair sessions, to broaden the way its audience could participate, to start conversations and to inform audiences about sustainability and circularity.
Platforms such as Mindful Fashion are important. Jacinta says “It’s about raising standards within the industry of the way garments are produced and brought to market, then also promoting responsible consumption.”
Mindful Fashion's panel discussion on a Circular Future for Fashion - challenges and opportunities was on the schedule and explored what the industry is doing to to address circularity and sustainability, and where more work is needed.
Read the full article here.