Mindful Fashion Meet & Greet Christchurch
In October Mindful Fashion held its first foray out of Auckland, hosted at the Untouched World flagship cafe, more than 60 members of the local industry came together for an engaging evening of conversations, connections, and delicious canapes!

Jacinta welcomed everyone and talked about the important work we’re doing at Mindful Fashion, then handed over to Peri Drysdale founder and CEO of Untouched World. Peri inspired us with her sustainability journey and ethos, her vision for New Zealand to be the sustainable fashion capital of the world, and the importance of collaboration.

Our own Emily Miller-Sharma gave a really powerful vision of how she sees Mindful Fashion's role. Emily says “Sustainability can’t be a competitive advantage anymore. Our competitive advantage as a business lies in our design and aesthetic. We must work on sustainability together now, for the good of our planet.”

We look forward to our next in-person event and seeing you all again, and if you did attend please get in touch with any follow-up thoughts!