2023 Finalist: DONNA STOBIE

Let me hear you roar!

The intention of the design is to extract the greatest value out of the materials.

Taking inspiration from the natural world, this outfit utilises decommissioned end-of-life Wellington Zoo shirts and discontinued Lazy Boy leather samples that were going to landfill, to create an outfit for the wearer to build a personal connection with.

The intention of the design is to extract the greatest value out of the materials. Natural materials have been chosen to foster an appreciation for the natural world and our shared responsibility to create a circular economy.

Deconstructing the shirts helped the designer to understand the the parameters she had to work within. Inspired by the iconic safari look the outfit is designed to be worn in many ways through the adaptability of the design.

The volume of fabric and desire to create no waste in the design led to the evolution of the jacket incorporating panels across the back to add versatility.

The wider goal of the project is to create unique pieces for hire that are made from textile waste and preloved garments, in order to take full responsibility for the garments when they are no longer fit for purpose or they require mending, redesigning or recycling.